Monday, June 30, 2008

North American MGB Register's MG 2008

June 25 - 29, 2008

We had a great time (mostly...see last photo) at the NAMGBR MG 2008 convention in Valley Forge. Didn't take a whole lot of photos because we were too busy having fun or working. One of the highlights was a screening of Sherman's Way, which was a very good film regardless of the MGB content! It was good to meet Craig Saavedra, the film's Director/Producer. He even did a Q&A session after the screening.

Click on photos to view larger size

MG2008: SunriseMGs MG2008: SunriseMGs2
Dew-covered MG's in the Sheraton Parking lot in Valley Forge on Saturday morning. Got up VERY early to get to the car show for these photo ops.

MG2008: ClubTent
The Keystone Region MG Club and NAMGBR tents at the car show.

MG2008: Director
Traffic control at the field's a hard job, but someone's gotta do it!

MG2008: FieldRearPano
Panoramic photo from the rear of the show field.

MG2008: InterestInMyDashPerhaps
First time I've ever seen anyone taking a photo of my dash...turns out he's putting one together and wanted a reference.

MG2008: KeystoneLounge
Lounging in the heat before the skys opened up.

MG2008: MartyScrewedUp
Yep..I unknowingly locked the doors to Chas' Subaru with the keys inside. 30-second job for the AAA man, but I felt pretty bad about it. Sorry, Chas!