Saturday, September 27, 2008

Show Me The isn't all about MG-ing!

View the: WFMZ Channel 69 News Video

"The days of jigs, jousting and jolly good fun have begun in Bethlehem. The 21st annual Celtic Classic is underway this weekend. The three-day festival features traditional Scottish and Irish food and music. 69News cameras were rolling as hungry contestants tried their luck at the coveted Haggis- eating crown."

Who is that guy at the very end of the video throwing his hands up in the air in victory after winning the coveted Haggis-eating Crown? He's a member of Team "Show Me The Haggis" from Nazareth, PA. Hmmmmmm....If Stalone could put the gloves back on as an old man, why can't an amatuer competative eater do the same? A gentleman from Brooklyn, NY won the event the previous three years. We can rest easy now...The crown's back home in The Lehigh Valley.

SMTHTeamGettingReady SMTHTeamPhoto

Saturday, September 20, 2008

MG Club Picnic and "Fun Run" 2008

Click on photos for larger size

Marybeth and I were delighted to host our third annual Keystone Region MG Club Picnic and "Fun Run" on September 20, 2008. We had great weather and a very nice turnout for the event! The event consists of an hour-long "fun run" through the countryside of Northampton County and then a cookout...ummmmm...and impromptu wine tasting!

Here are some photos from the event. All photos are courtesy of my neighbor (and fellow British car owner) Fred Baum -- Thanks, Fred! By the way, that's his Sunbeam Tiger that everyone's drooling over in one of the photos below. It is drool-worthy even if it isn't an MG :).

The Fun-Runners Readying To Depart for The Run
We had about nine cars that participated in the fun run portion of the festivities. Most were MG's but we were also graced with the presence of Fred's Sunbean, Steve's TR7, and Leon's MINI to round out the group.
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On The Road
Winding, tree-lined country roads were the order of the day (as was the case the past two years). The route I chose was good, but a few too many "interesting" intersections...lesson-learned for next year.
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"Did I mention that we have 0% APR financing available?"
When the fun-runners made it back to the house, we found that several more British cars had arrived and were arrayed nicely on the front lawn. Once the fun-runners joined the group, the front lawn looked like a cross between a British Car Show and a used car lot...granted, a British used car lot.
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Grillin' and Chillin'
While the fun-run was, well, fun -- the best part of the day for me was getting to meet some new people, to share our home, and to spend time relaxing and having fun with some like-minded British Car Nuts.

Some folks got to try playing Quoits for the first time, which was quite entertaining -- for the players and spectators alike.

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Thanks to everyone who participated, it was a great time and we hope to do it again next year! Thank you for bringing side dishes and desserts to share and a special thanks to Ed Haas who helped out on the grill while I was playing host and fetching drinks for people.